Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Because Hair Like This Is Just Not Fair

On anyone, really.

In ninth grade, I made a bad decision. Of course, I made many bad decisions, but out of all of them, and every single other event that occurred that year, this one stands out. Oh, I've tried to forget. But I'll stumble across a photo from time to time and I am haunted anew. Mainly with shame.
Because GOODLORDALMIGHTWHYHOWMAKEITSTOP I was the unfortunate wearer of this little haircut. Namely, the fringe.

It was in the days when my mother still tried to put that one hairdressing course she'd taken years ago that enabled her to basically, trim, to use on my family. When I was younger it didn't matter since I only ever worse my hair in a ponytail but now I was in high school and I liked boys and stuff, and how I looked actually mattered to me.

In the days when I kinda thought Hilary Duff was pretty cool like now, I came across a poster of her in some shitty teen magazine I used to read. One of her where she looked something like this:

See, that was what I wanted. That. I tried to explain to my mother and instead ended up with, well, you saw it. /cries

FML would have been a really handy acronym to have known right about when I looked in the mirror.

I ranted. A lot.

Oh and it was crooked.

So my mum attempted to at least fixthat. Operative word being "attempted". When it reached the point where I just begged her to leave the damage before it actually somehow became worse, I tried to convince myself that it wasn't so bad.

It was.

I'm still scarred, people.

And there's photographic evidence. Like, a lot. I don't know why I allowed any pictures of me to be taken during that dark and terrible period in my life, or whyGODWHY I in the first place asked my mum to give me a proper hairstyle and then let her try to do so...

These are bad photos. Bad, bad photos.

Oh and did I mention, some of them are on the freaking internet??? Beside that one up there?

FML. F my freaking L. (That's for now, and for back then when I didn't know to say it but it would have been pretty damn appropriate)

P.S. To make me feel just a little better, I'm posting certain other pictures. Enjoy.

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Because if you're not ashamed of this shit then you should be.


  1. its kind of not funny how steve and nathaniel still look the same now o.0

  2. Actually, Na-fat-one has disturbing facial hair these days...

  3. bahahahaha i thought i was pretty awesome ;P
